As Alberta has declared itself to be in a state of public health emergency, we are doing our best to abide by the laws and regulations set out on us and ask that you please help us in doing the same. Please be mindful of the following:

  • Masks are required by customers and employees alike – in the event that you have forgotten your mask at home, we do have disposable masks available as you enter the store
  • Please be mindful of the space between yourself, fellow shoppers and employees – there’s tape on floors to guide you in keeping your distance at the tills
  • Come prepared with a list of things you’re needing to buy to minimize your time in store – we encourage you to call and order for pick-up
  • Shop alone if able – 1 family member per trip if possible


Gun Room Sale!

April 13, 2022 Check out the Sale going on in the Gun Room....

Summer Days Photo
Contest Voting

August 7, 2018 Below are all the awesome photos that you submitted to...

Exemptions FFC

October 29, 2019 The new Federal Fuel Charge (Carbon Tax) will be coming...